The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Oh mighty oracle, who CAN eat just one potato chip, please tell me > this: > > We've got a betting pool going on with regards to famous matchups in > history. Who would have won these? > > Bach vs. Beethoven > Rembrandt vs. Van Gogh > Aristotle vs. Kant > Da Vinci vs. Kepler > > (just so you know, my money's on Bach.) And in response, thus spake the Usenet Oracle: } The Oracle resurrects Aristotle and Kant, and places a open bag of } Ruffles before each. } } Orrie: "Now, who can eat just one?" } Aristotle: "Why would anyone not want to eat just one? One is the } measure of all things, from which all else is built. One is } unity, and symbolizes purity. Therefore clearly I could eat } just one." } Orrie: "Yes, well you still haven't tried them." } Aristotle eats a chip, and another, and another. "Mmmm. Very good." } Orrie: "Hah! So you can't eat just one." } Aristotle points to the bag of chips. "This? This doesn't matter. } What matters is thought, and a have logically shown that I can } eat just one." [munch] } Orrie: [turns to Kant] "How about you?" } Kant: "Clearly we can't discover anything by just thinking about it. } We must perform an empirical experiment." [Eats a chip.] } "Yes, I this is evidence that I can eat just one. However a } single experiment conveys little information. We must verify the } results." [Eats another chip.] "Yes, this corroborates the first } experiment. Still, more evidence would be helpful." [Eats more } chips.] } Orrie: "It appears neither of you can eat just one." } Aristotle: "What! I have logically proven that I can eat only one." } [munch] Kant: "And I have-" [munch] "-performed many experiments } showing that I can eat just one." } Orrie: "Thank you gentlemen." *POOF* } } Oracle writes down on clipboard "Aristotle v. Kant --- both lose." } } Orrie: "Hmmm. They ate all my Ruffles. Now I'll have to perform } some different tests." } An art dealer suddenly appears. "Zat am I doink here? And zo are you?" } Orrie: "I need you to appraise these." } Dealer: "Zwa? Es dis an original Rembrant? And dis a Van Gogh? Vere } did you get dese?!" } Orrie: "The curator of the Hermitage had a question... But that's } another story. Which is worth more?" } Dealer: "Dese are both priceless! Rembrant and Van Gogh zere both } brillant painters!" } Orrie: "Yes, but who's the _winner_?" } Dealer: "Vell, de Van Gogh ist probably vurth more, because Van Gogh } painted less. Ee ad a miserable life, you know." } Orrie: "And Rembrant didn't?" } Dealer: "Yes, dat's right." } Orrie: "So Rembrant was the winner, but if you want to be a winner } you'll own the Van Gogh rather than the Rembrant?" } Dealer: "I suppose...." } Orrie: "Thank you." *POOF* } } Oracle writes down on clipboard "Rembrant v. Van Gogh --- Van Gogh died } penniless and insane. Rembrant wins." } } A musician suddenly appears. "Hey!" } Orrie: "You're a classical musician, aren't you?" } Musician: "Yeah. Who are you?" } Orrie: "I'm the Usenet Oracle. You owe the Oracle a autographed } original of one of Mozart's compositions. And try to grovel when } you ask a question." } Musician: "What's going on here?!" } Orrie: *Zot* "Remember what I said about grovelling?" } Musician: "OWWWW! Ouch, oww." } Orrie: "Who's more popular, Beethoven or Bach?" } Musician: "Geee, I don't know." } Orrie: "Who's more widely known then?" } Musician: "More widely known? What do you mean?" } Orrie: "Who's work reaches the farthest?" } Musician: "Well, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is on those records that } NASA puts on those space probes." } Orrie: "And Bach's work is not?" } Musician: "Not that I know of. But they also have 'Johnny B. Goode'." } Orrie: "Thank you." *POOF* } } Oracle write down on clipboard "Bach v. Beethoven --- Bach loses to } Johnny B. Goode. Beethoven wins." } } Orrie: "This is too much work." } Oracle writes down on clipboard "Da Vinci v. Kepler --- Da Vinci is two } words and seven letters. Kepler is only one word and six } letters. Da Vinci wins." } } Supplicant, here are the results you wished for: } Bach vs. Beethoven: Beethoven wins } Rembrandt vs. Van Gogh: Rembrandt wins } Da Vinci vs. Kepler: Da Vinci wins } And in philosophy no one wins. Remeber that philosophy majors } when you get out into the real world. } } You owe the Oracle some bags of Ruffles potato chips to replace those } eaten by Kant and Aristotle.