The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Oh scholar eating and uncomplicated Oracle, whose sexiness fills the > xeroxing void of computer nerds' lives as the light bulbs do brighten > the night sky, whose inkwell I am too prodigal to imprison, whose > shoulder I am not worthy to babysit, whose ribses are like unto > infinite foibles, grant me this morsel of your omniscience. > > What is "it"? And in response, thus spake the Usenet Oracle: } At long last!!!! The question has been asked, the chosen one has } arrived!!! The prophesy is fulfilled, I am free to be one with the } universe!!! This is fabulous!! Great! Yeah! I bet you are wondering } what the hell I am talking about, right? Well, it all started a long } time ago... } } [Please crank the vertical hold on your monitor, to simulate a } flashback effect] } } A solitary man rides his grey horse through the mountains, approaching } Mount Olympus, home of the gods. Suddenly, a voice calls out. } } "Who are you to approach the home of the Gods" } } But the man remained unafraid. "Who's asking?" he sneered. } } "I am Nikkon, God of pictures, and protector of the Olympus Infinity. } No man may pass, without undertaking some task for me." } } "Big deal, so whaddya want me to do, mow your lawn or something?" } } "No, that is a task that I leave for my son, Cannon. Yours is a } different destiny. I shall give you absolute knowledge, and..." } } "Cool!" } } "...Shut up, I'm not done yet." } } "Sorry" } } "Anyway, and you shall use that knowledge to answer all questions } posed to you throughout time, until you are asked the one question } to free you from your task." } } "Well, what is it?" } } "Hmmm, yeah, that sounds like a good one. Sure, you shall remain at } your post until you are asked the question: 'what is it'." } } "So what happens then?" } } "Hmmm, I haven't though too much about that either. Well, let's say } that when you are asked that question, the person who asks it is forced } to take over your task, and you are free to roam the cosmos." } } "I like it, it shows a touch of panache." } } "So tell puny one, what is your name, that shall come to symbolize } knowledge throughout time and space" } } "I am known as J. Danforth Quayle." } } "Hmmm, no, that won't do, nobody will take you seriously at all. We'll } have to give you a new name. How about 'Fred'?" } } "No." } } "Bruce?" } } "No." } } "Big Eddie?" } } "No, I have a cousin named 'Big Eddie.'" } } "Well, then, I guess you shall be known as 'The Oracle' until we } can come up with something good." } } "Ugh, that's worse that 'Bruce'." } } "Well, tough luck." } } "So when do I start?" } } "Right now, you can open up a little shop in Delphi. Remember to } give clear concise answers now." } } "Yeah, yeah, whatever." } } [Adjust your vertical hold to do the back-to-the-present effect] } } So you see, I am now free of my onus so that...No, no, 'onus, ONUS' } get your mind out of the gutter. Anyway, I am free, and you must } answer all the stupid questions from these obnoxious supplicants } until you are asked the question, um, let me think up a good one. } } Ah, got it. You must remain the Oracle, until you are asked the } question, 'Where are my car keys?' } } } } There, now you know everything, good luck. If you need anything, I'll } be in Daytona Beach, working on my tan. Oh by the way, now that you } know the answer to 'What is "it"', it's pretty stupid, huh? Oh well, } catch you later. Hmm, now where are my car keys?